We want your opinion!
Let us and other guests know what you liked and what we can do better.
Rate our Hof Verse on landreise.de, HolidayCheck and on Google - we look forward to it!
First hand information
Would you like to find out more easily about our vacation farm, our service and our offers for families, hikers or vacationers with dogs?
When looking for accommodation, do you like to see how other guests have liked it?
On HolidayCheck, landreise.de and Google you will find detailed, personal reviews by our guests and find out the honest opinions of other travelers.
Good for you, because direct guest-to-guest recommendations are and will remain the most reliable source of information about the location and quality of your accommodation.
After your country vacation, help other guests to get a vivid picture of our farm.
We would be delighted if you would recommend us to others and submit your personal rating on HolidayCheck, landreise.de or Google.
Rate our Hof Verse on landreise.de, HolidayCheck and on Google - we look forward to it!
First hand information
Would you like to find out more easily about our vacation farm, our service and our offers for families, hikers or vacationers with dogs?
When looking for accommodation, do you like to see how other guests have liked it?
On HolidayCheck, landreise.de and Google you will find detailed, personal reviews by our guests and find out the honest opinions of other travelers.
Good for you, because direct guest-to-guest recommendations are and will remain the most reliable source of information about the location and quality of your accommodation.
After your country vacation, help other guests to get a vivid picture of our farm.
We would be delighted if you would recommend us to others and submit your personal rating on HolidayCheck, landreise.de or Google.