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Our animals –
they love kids and love to be petted
Our friendly ponies and our dear farm dog Ronja are always keen for a cuddle.
For children who may not be able to keep a pet at home, having this contact with our animals is a wonderful experience on their country holiday.

Two ponies to love
Two rescue ponies have found a new home on our holiday farm.
Silvi and Pino spend their days in a large paddock that turns into a sea of flowers in summer.
At the end of the day, these two inseparable Shetland ponies share a stall in the light and airy stable.
Grandma Silvi is over 30 years old and has a will of her own.
Just like her friend Pino, she loves to have children spoil, pet, groom and clean her.

Experiences around the Ferienhof Verse holiday farm
With our help, your children can have their first riding experience on our ponies Silvi and Pino.

The dear little gelding and the mare will gladly take them on a ride through the meadows and forests around our holiday farm – as long as these two can decide when the ride is over.
When they have had enough of carrying kids around, they will simply stop and not move again until they are turned around to go home.
Some days they also don't feel like giving rides at all – they will let us know this immediately by refusing to leave the paddock or their stall.
There are two riding stables just a short walk away from our farm and another riding stable in Lennestadt,
where older children and experienced riders can get riding lessons or go for a group outride in the beautiful Sauerland.

A dog for playing and petting
Our farm dog Ronja keeps an eye on everything:
she immediately spots where the cuddles and treats are.
Ronja loves to have children play with her, and her favorite pastime is cuddling until she falls asleep.
She looks forward to welcoming you!
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